Boeing is known for its world renowned airlines and jets. But the company was available at the MWC event in Barcelona to show off its new security oriented smartphone. Known as the Boeing Black, this phone will be targeted towards government institutions where privacy is of utmost importance. The Boeing Black runs Android with the company’s PureSecure software tailored to bring security and advanced data encryption to the device. It also comes with a nifty data self-destruct feature which erases all data from the device when someone tries to manually open the smartphone. Hardware wise, the Boeing Black isn’t all that impressive though. It comes with a 4.3 inch qHD (960 x 540) resolution display, a dual core 1.2 GHz processor and a microSD card slot with no word on the internal storage. The handset runs on a 1,590 mAh battery and what appears to be a deeply customized version of Android 4.2 Jelly Bean. There’s no word on the pricing, but it goes without saying that it won’t go easy on your wallets given its credentials. Hit the link below for more details on the Boeing Black. Source: Boeing