You thought the Galaxy S4 Zoom was crazy? Get a load of the Galaxy NX. No, your eyes aren’t playing any tricks on you, it’s a huge high end camera with replaceable lenses that runs Android. In what world does this thing make sense?

I can think of several fields where this would actually be pretty useful. Imagine a news organization light on cash. They could give one of these things to a reporter, stick in a SIM card that enables 4G LTE connectivity, and boom. Everything that guy (or girl!) takes can be instantly uploaded to the main office. In fact, I’m pretty sure this thing could deliver video too. Then there’s public service officials. People like policemen who can take photos of a crime scene, firefighters who can photograph fire damage, ambulance drivers preparing doctors for a patient that’s about to be admitted into the emergency room. The list goes on. Will Samsung sell a ton of these things? Probably not. Expect an official announcement on June 20th in London. And expect the price to make you cry.