Earlier this month, about 10 days ago actually, I covered a DigiTimes piece that said Samsung was experiencing “larger than expected” demand for the Galaxy S4 and that the company was having issues making enough mobile DRAM.

Some of you probably ignored that article since you hate DigiTimes, but now there’s a new report on Reuters that somewhat confirms Samsung’s present situation. According to Reuters, J.K. Shin, the guy in charge of Samsung Electronics, is thinking about buying mobile DRAM from one of their main competitors: Hynix. To understand why this is significant, step back and think about why Samsung is where they are today. They’re one of the world’s largest component manufacturers. They make each and every chip that’s inside the iPad and the iPhone. They’re also the king of DRAM production. Because of their skills in manufacturing, one day they simply decided to use the parts they were already making anyway to build smartphones. And that’s how they’re number one. For Samsung of all companies to say that they don’t have enough mobile DRAM would be like Bill Gates saying he doesn’t have enough money. It’s simply that ridiculous of a situation.