But if USB-C is so good, why is the iPhone still stuck using Lightning? Good question. Maybe because shifting would result in masses of e-waste? Or maybe because Apple gets money every time a company licenses the use of the port? But whatever the reason, its days could be numbered. According to TF International Securities analyst Ming-Chi Kuo, the iPhone 15 will likely drop Lightning for USB-C. Another possible reason driving this – think of all the money Apple can make from selling new accessories! It’s also no secret that the regulators at the European Commission want to see the end for the Lightning port, claiming that having cellphone makers adopt USB-C across the board would result in less e-waste. The Lightning port has been around for almost a decade now, debuting on the iPhone 5 back in 2012. But despite the age, it’s still a decent port, and especially in terms of durability, I think it could be better than USB-C. The other option is that Apple remove the Lightning port and replace it with nothing, making the iPhone portless. But perhaps that’s a step too far for Apple just yet.