However, today we will be dealing with a little bit different problem. We will look at a few situations taken from life and try to answer the question why many organizations haev a really jerky flow of knowledge between data groups or people. This is the importance of communication in building Agile teams, also mentioned in a series devoted to human resource management in this environment. So are you ready for the next article on Agile methodologies? If so, and you can start, I invite you to read this article, which describes another problem, namely the lack of communication in companies implementing Agile project management methodologies. Crippling communication, which is able to put any good project down As I have often written, implementing Agile in any organization is first and foremost to ensure the maximum level of communication between the teams and the people in the group. Thanks to Agile, projects are organized in a fully transparent system and there is no problem with discussions about them in the company. However, very often it happens that the transparency of the project may be out of hand for many people in the company. In my opinion, it is quite understandable to restrict access to certain confidential and sensitive information for the company and their legal protection. However, I think it totally unacceptable and unjust to restrict access to the basic tools and resources. Doing something like that in a company that is implementing Agile methodology is completely unacceptable and is the total opposite of what Agile is meant for. As I mentioned several times, sometimes companies need help in the implementation of Agile methodologies and improving business processes. Many of them have used the services of my company where the implementation of Agile methodologies has failed, and I was really a lifeline for these companies. All of them, in my opinion, have a few things in common, but most of them used my advice to change their policy or make personnel rotations, and then suddenly, as if by magic, everything is improved. In that situation what is most often encountered during counseling? Well, almost every step of the situation is that the application testers do not have access to the code, and quality engineers must work completely in the dark. How, then, in such a situation, can they understand all the mechanisms and rules for the application? How can theyexamine all the dependencies between modules? How can I determine in this case what is the estimated risk during application development? In addition, I think that every team in Agile methodologies must constantly learn new things. How, then, can every software engineer or quality engineer broaden their knowledge of programming, application architecture and testing, since the management of the company provided him with only a watered-down version of the software, which has to write the test and develop a new architectural solution? Maybe they start to read minds of bosses or their own colleagues? It raises the question: “Why do people really not have or do not have access to key project information?” This question does not even want me to answer it, because I would have to play “guess and hope” with you . Of course, I do not know all the reasons for this state of affairs, but the only thing I can think of is some big conspiracy theory that explains all the failures in the project. Most people with divisional management believe that all failures result from the fact of industrial sabotage, because they do not see a problem in themselves and the way they manage the organization. It is enough to read my first three articles on the InfoSec Institute site, namely,, http: / / / to understand that it is not as they see most of them. But I personally think that with the profits from the rapid delivery of all the people in the project, the following sources of new knowledge are obvious, but this is not the place for the description in this article. They are described in the articles devoted to the estimation of the projects. How is this problem related to the problem of management decisions in organizations? Remember the previous article on the problems of decision-making in organizations? This problem is the main catalyst for all the other problems in organizations. Well, in most companies, it is believed that there are no good jobs without slaves and their managers. What does this usually translate to in most organizations? Now it means that the organization has to have a predetermined structure. In extreme cases, it affects even the method of the production line, where all orders come from the top, and grassroots workers have nothing to say. An example of this type of organization is most of the universities in my country that educate future engineers and masters. And now look how I see it really. Of course, every company must have some out there in the middle of the structure, but I do not mind at all. What is much more important for me is always a little bit different aspect of this structure. Well, in my opinion, this type of organizational structure should be completely out of the phenomenon of self-organizing teams in Agile methodologies. It should not serve anything in the project, but only have an impact on some of the issues, for example, when paying for work, so we know who really should be paid. Another very important fact, which is not insignificant in my opinion, is that Agile methodologies have in particular Scrum to provide some of their own structures, which are more efficient than anything that is imposed from the top. For example, here we have a person who really is the manager of the project. In Scrum it is called the Product Owner. We also have a person who is called a Scrum Master. His job is the very effective removal of all obstacles to the development team encountered in its normal operation. Thus, as is apparent from the Scrum Master position, the person must have sufficient executive power and decision-making, and enough power to be able to perform his function effectively. Sam Scrum Master should however never be lost in his illusory power over the project team. So what is really needed so Agile methodologies can work in the way that we expect from them? First of all, for their proper functioning, it is essential to have very good co-operation at all levels of the organization. On its improving all should work, without exception, to the fact that we post. This applies to every employee. The truth is that Agile methodologies that could work really well, but you need the best cooperation at all levels of the organization. In fact, everyone, with the top management of the company must have a clearly defined objective of the project and its vision. To put it in other words, they know perfectly well what I really do. To put it another way, everyone, including the top management of the company, must have a clearly defined purpose and vision for the future of the product. They must really know exactly what they are doing. Believe me, that if a particular company can provide both a clear goal and transparency, communication will improve tremendously as a team. The goal is to achieve very high speed in the projects, without any loss of quality. Once again, a clear and transparent vision of the product Why do I press on this? For me, this is now no longer simple and logical, but I’ll explain it again, just in case, if someone else had any doubts. Well, I think that only in the case where a clear vision of the product is determined, we have a clearly defined position, which allows a 100% avoid unnecessary work on the project. There is a famous phrase that says it all: “It’s no more about doing it now, it’s about doing it right”. Note that in fact the process of software development is really expensive, and the only way to eliminate unnecessary costs is really only amounted to what it really is programmed. The only place where we can cut is the elimination of all kinds of extensions that add nothing to the value of the project or the project itself is very small. And why is it so much to take care of a good vision of the product? In this article, there is a very heavy word, which is not fully understood by everyone. The word is “policy”, and I do not mean security policy. This word reminds me of what I see in many organizations at every step. Namely, first of all, there are problems with communication, access to information and conflicts of interest among the various departments in the company. In terms of the word and the problems associated with it, it makes me at once have one thought. Namely, in a number of companies in which I had the misfortune or happiness to look at the implementation of Agile methodologies, I saw something I really would not want to watch, but hey this is the work of the consultant. Namely, a lot of the team was locked in something that you can specify a specific microclimate or closing the unit in a glass ball to protect the team against most evil that comes from the company’s policy. There are, of course, ways to solve the bad or worst of all, but they are not the best. These solutions mostly just work. However, in their case, there usually is one problem. Usually the case is that if we have a sterile environment, and then something happens to it, such as a virus or bacterium, the whole system is infected and begins to have very serious problems. But it’s up to you to choose which solution you choose for your organization. Summary Today, in the end we won the second problem, which can be found when you create a timeless organization. This is a reduction of subordinates and to build an atmosphere of clear communication within teams. As we all know, the most important thing of all is to provide the team with information on every aspect of it. As I said also, suppression of any information from the web development team is not warranted and does not affect the interests of the proper company. It is much more important for teams producing or attempting to produce a software team to provide all the necessary information and care for it, so that employees learn all the time. In addition, as a good president, directors and managers, let’s try to always place before our subordinates clear objectives and let us be able to explain exactly the vision of our products, because that is the only way we can achieve anything. Today, organizations are built that rely on constant access to information. The times when enough staff to put the supervisor off the bat are long gone. In addition, software development today no longer resembles the production line methods. This allows you to easily create software adaptation and according to the article, the use of the few things still accelerates the process of software development. What else do you need to know? Well, that really process improvement must be continuous. Only when this is the case, we are able to take full control of our organization. So you have another article that for most of you should come in handy and influence what happens in your companies. You sharpen your teeth for the next and see. I promise it will be well worth the wait on the pages of InfoSec Institute.