Are you sitting down? According to the Korean website ETNews, there are going to be four Samsung Galaxy Note III models. While they don’t know the names of all of them, here’s how they’re different.

Model 01: High quality materials, 13 megapixel camera, unbreakable AMOLED, limited edition. Model 02: Plastic body, 13 megapixel camera, regular AMOLED. Model 03: Plastic body, 13 megapixel camera, LCD. Model 04: Plastic body, 8 megapixel camera, LCD. Now I know what you’re thinking: How the hell is this possible? I want to be able to console you, to kiss your forehead and tell you everything is going to be OK, but this is Samsung we’re talking about. They’re wildly unpredictable. I mean, who else in their right mind would launch a 6.3 inch smartphone or a 1,700 Euro mirrorless Android camera with interchangeable lenses? When will we know if this rumor is true or total BS? Hopefully in early September at IFA.