At Google’s annual I/O conference, the company has typically held multiple keynotes split up over multiple days. That’s going to change this year according to AllThingsD, who discovered that Google has just published their I/O 2013 schedule. It looks like the search giant will have a three hour keynote on May 15th.

Now I don’t know about you, but three hours sounds ridiculous. Apple’s longest keynote, if I recall correctly, clocked in at just over two hours. Samsung’s events are typically less than 60 minutes long, and I love them for that. So what exactly is Google planning to do with all that time? I’m going to assume it’ll be split evenly with one hour dedicated to Chrome, another hour dedicated to Android, and then the last hour being dedicated to Glass and potentially other hardware announcements. Remember, there’s a rumor going around that says the successor to the Nexus 7 will be announced at this event, along with Android 4.3 Jelly Bean. What’s not going to be at I/O? I wouldn’t hold my breath for Android 5.0, nor would I expect a new Nexus phone, and there definitely isn’t going to be any new hardware from Motorola.