The crisis is so stark that the United States government passed a historic rescue package to aid businesses and taxpayers. Individuals will even get a direct cash payment to cover expenses and hardships. Tap or click here to see how much you’ll qualify for. But more than cash, jobless Americans are looking for the opportunity to start working again. These are the companies that still expanding their workforce in spite of the virus, and they’re accepting applications right now.

New jobs for a new era

Many of the most common jobs on the market from previous years aren’t viable anymore, thanks to the COVID-19 pandemic. Positions like retail, wait staff, server and host/hostess are unavailable as stores and restaurants close down. Nobody is 100% sure when they’ll be open like usual again. In the meantime, jobs that cater to the needs of our society have never been more critical. Essential businesses like drug stores, supermarkets and delivery drivers have been given the clear by state governments to keep operating, which means employees are needed to keep up with demand. According to job posting data from March 15-21 on LinkedIn, these essential jobs are currently in high demand around the country:

Store Associate: Essential workers who can run a retail store like a supermarket, convenience store or pharmacy.System Operator: Workers who can manage automated and digital tasks, such as system administrators.Certified Public Accountant: Tax assistants and financial consultants.Healthcare Specialist: Critical healthcare workers that can help sick patients and manage medical facilities.Construction Worker: Workers that repair and maintain local infrastructure.Warehouse Manager: Workers that ensure logistics and shipping go smoothly for a variety of companies.Psychologist: Doctors who can address the mental heath needs of people impacted by the pandemic.Vehicle Mechanic: Workers that keep vehicles operating efficiently despite the lockdown.Academic Advisor: Workers that can help students displaced or interrupted by quarantines and school closures.Delivery Driver: Workers that bring packages and food delivery for citizens staying at home under quarantine.

In the same report, LinkedIn also listed the following companies with the most open positions and interests. Here’s why they’re so necessary to our lives under lockdown: The current economic climate shows a poor outlook for many of the businesses that were excelling before the arrival of the coronavirus. These jobs may seem quite different from the norm only a few weeks back, but they’re more necessary now than ever to keep food and supplies coming.

Am I safe from coronavirus while working these essential jobs?

Right now, staying at home is the best way to protect yourself from the coronavirus, as are frequent hand washing and social distancing efforts to flatten the curve of infection. Working any position where you’re required to interact with people puts you at risk of infection. Thankfully, many of these companies are taking measures to protect their employees. For example, 7-Eleven is spacing out lines inside its stores to maintain a minimum six-fooot distance between customers. Still, it’s wise to take steps of your own to stay hygienic and socially distant whether you’re employed or not. Having disinfecting wipes on hand for your work computer or keyboard is a great start to protecting yourself and others from infection. Tap or click here to see the FDA’s list of approved disinfectants. With so much uncertainty, it can feel a bit nerve-wracking to jump back into the job market right away. But ultimately, bills still need to be paid and we don’t know if the government will declare a moratorium on things like rent and utilities. For now, adapting to the changing climate of work and social safety is the best way to keep yourself healthy and the money flowing into your home. Just remember to wash your hands and avoid touching your face. The information contained in this article is for educational and informational purposes only and is not intended as health or medical advice. Always consult a physician or other qualified health provider regarding any questions you may have regarding a medical condition, advice, or health objectives.