The DIY Coding Kit contains four separate projects. Together, they will allow your kids to discover all kinds of things that are possible with coding, as well as teach basic coding concepts. These projects will also stimulate critical thinking, improve problem-solving skills and awaken your child’s creativity. In addition to the kit itself, there is a color palette, robot worm, banana piano, and smart gate. These interactive projects can definitely teach kids the fundamentals of computer programming in the most fun way possible. If you order now, the expected delivery time runs from December 13 to December 19. The second part of this bundle is digital so that kids can get started right away. It is a one-year premium subscription to Twin School, which delivers weekly 45-minute lessons designed by educational experts, access to gamified adventures, and more. Best of all, for every subscription purchased, a scholarship is given to an economically disadvantaged child, so each student has a learning twin. BBC and the World Economic Forum have featured twin Science. It has been honored by Playing for Change and The Bett Awards. The company has partnered with the best educational institutions, reaching over 500,000 in 15 countries. Its goal is to teach generations of children to use technology to improve the world by applying their skills to create solutions for the world’s problems. It’s hard to imagine a better gift for such a reasonable price. So don’t pass up this chance to give your kids tech skills training that can lead to lucrative future careers; get the DIY Coding Kit with 1-Year Premium Subscription to Twin School today while it’s available for only $39.99.