We have had quite a few glimpses of the Galaxy S6, but the final design of the handset has remained a mystery until now. The cat is finally out of the bag though, as an XDA member has posted some clear shots of the Galaxy S6 on the forums revealing its full design. The images make it pretty clear that Samsung has simply tweaked its design language for the Galaxy S6. The rounded corner will help in improving the ergonomics of the device, but otherwise we are still looking at a handset that is unmistakably Samsung. The company has, however, ditched plastic in favor glass and metal to build its latest flagship, which is always a welcome change. The poster of these images claims that the back of the handset is made of glass while the edges are made of metal. The curved edges on the Galaxy S6 as shown in the pictures is reminiscent of the iPhone 6. In fact, just like the iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus, the camera on the handset slightly protrudes as well. The poster of the images also claims that the Galaxy S6 does not feature a microSD card slot, though it will be available with 128GB of storage space to make up for it. Additionally, the battery and the back of the handset are not removable as well, which is very unlike Samsung.