Those who can’t use their hands properly aren’t always able to take advantage of the latest tech. We as a population might take these types of things for granted, but thankfully developers don’t. Developers are constantly working on new programs to help change the lives of those who struggle daily, and this new app certainly does that. Keep reading to find out about an Android app that can help you communicate when you can’t use your hands.

Project Activate

Your new device is pretty impressive, but Project Activate brings Android phones to a whole new level for those who need them. The app is designed for those who can’t speak or use their phone because they are disabled. You may also like: Customize notifications for the texts you care about most They could have muscular dystrophy, cerebral palsy, or any injury resulting in paralysis that interferes with using their hands. With this app, you can create pre-configured ways to send texts or make phone calls using gestures instead. This app is convenient for many scenarios and can offer freedom to those that previously had limited independence. While Project Activate is an excellent option for emergencies, its uses extend far beyond. Imagine a patient with muscular dystrophy having the opportunity to have independent conversations with friends and family. No assistance or caregivers are needed.

How to use Project Activate

Unfortunately, Project Activate hasn’t expanded to iOS yet. But if you have an Android phone, it’s as simple as installing the app, choosing the settings, and setting messages that work best for you. You can pre-configure various options using the app, including smiles, head nods, and other common expressions. Project Activate gives those using the app and their loved ones a sense of relief that help is just a gesture away. Here are some key features:

Create customized patterns to place a phone call, jump back to the main screen or open up a new text message.Create a list of phrases like help that can be automatically populated into a message using a pre-configured gesture.Adjust sensitivity levels so it picks up on even the simplest of gestures.

You would assume sophisticated technology like Project Activate would come with a hefty price tag, but you’d be wrong. Set up Project Activate for someone who truly needs it for free. Looking for other ways to simplify your life with technology? If you are an Android user and haven’t fully mastered your phone, you’ll want to read on. Here are 7 things you didn’t know your Android could do.