For instance, the search giant forbids any OEM interested in selling devices with its mobile operating system unless it agrees to include all of its apps services as part of the package. This includes YouTube, Gmail, Hangouts, among others.  ‘s stringent prerequisites were unearthed by Harvard Business School professor elman, who specializes in Internet privacy issues. elmen cited business documents obtained from the public record of the Oracle America v. litigation, according to ZDNet. The documents mention ‘s Mobile Application Distribution Agreement (MADA), which contains several criteria that manufacturers, such as Samsung HTC, are required to follow if they’re to continue distributing Android on their devices.  Additionally, requires that its Network cation ovider A is installed set as the default. None of this is a surprise considering that has been pulling the reins back on how much control manufacturers have over Android, including requiring them to ship devices with an up-to-date version of Android. The search giant has to maintain some sort of control to keep Android competitive with other mobile operating systems, to ensure that its voice isn’t lost in the shuffle of the liberties the OEMs have taken with it. Companies like Samsung are notorious for attempting to push their own applications, services, app stores alongside ‘s on their respective hsets.  also just signed a long-term deal with Samsung to further their partnership. Samsung’s Deputy General Counsel for tents at , len , said, “By working together on agreements like this, companies can reduce the potential for litigation focus instead on innovation.” But it’s really just another way for to maintain control over what the biggest manufacturer of Android devices is doing with its open source operating system, to bring back a little more unity to a severely fragmented platform.