These are top 5 must have addons for Firefox that a web-developer needs.

Firebug: According to official website, Firebug integrates with Firefox to put a wealth of web development tools at your fingertips while you browse. You can edit, debug, and monitor CSS, HTML, and JavaScript live in any web page. You can easily inspect html elements, tweak CSS, monitor network, debug Javascript, explore DOM, and execute javascript on the fly. Firebug is extremely easy to use and can help a lot while designing or developing web-applications.

Web Developer Toolbar: Web developer extension is a compilation of all the useful and necessary actions that we may need to perform to check the efficiency and integrity of the web-application under development. For example, disabling the CSS, disabling Javascript, mouseover DOM inspector, operation on session and cookies etc.

Measureit: Often while developing web-application, we need to measure the dimensions of DIV or any other HTML elements to either design the web-page according to the need or while removing glitches when it occurs. To do so, we need Measureit firefox addon. I can measure the dimensions of the object with respect to the resolution of the monitor used.

Colorzilla: It’s a Firefox extension which helps developer in getting color from any point in the browser, quickly adjusting this color and pasting it into another program, such as Photoshop or GIMP, used for Web-Designing. It also has the feature of zooming a web-page and measuring the distance between two points on the page. IE-tab Plus: IE-tab is a great help when we are designing a web-application. Most of the users still use Internet Explorer 6, which comes as a default in Windows XP. So, when a developer is developing an application he has to take care of every intrinsic aspect of web-application and since the IE-6 engine has its own tantrums this tool comes in handy. One can view how a web-page looks like in IE. It also has cookies being exchanged between Mozilla and IE so you need not login again.