The company recently showed off three different camera prototypes at the Modular ones Forum that will be used with ’s oject Ara. The modular smartphone initiative launches in erto Rico as a test market later this year. It’s the first time we’ve seen a hardware maker show off a working camera module piece for ’s gr experiment in customizable phone hardware. Toshiba unveiled 13Mor 5Mback camera options a 2Mfront-facing choice. The modules are still in the works as part of a development plan that would get them out the door in 2016.  This means we could see them in action with ’s rollout of its oject Ara test. Now that Toshiba has showed its h, we’ll be on the lookout for other companies to spill a little more about about parts for oject Ara phones. The story behind the story: oject Ara is ’s effort to rethink how we buy smartphones. Instead of just perusing phone models, you could piece together a customized phone by picking out the camera, storage, other key pieces. You could upgrade individual components of your phone, instead of throwing out the whole thing to start over. ’ll be watching the launch in erto Rico later this year to see if this turns into something that goes mainstream or ls in the graveyard of shuttered projects.