This system is used by executives and employees alike at Fortune 500 companies like Uber, and for good reason. Neuroscientists have known for years that the meditation techniques of ancient cultures can have a real impact on the mental well-being of modern practitioners. FitMind takes those techniques and puts a workable structure around it, not unlike an exercise plan designed by a personal trainer. It’s geared to not only give you the bliss that comes in the aftermath of meditation but to keep that focus throughout the day. But now the reality of your new workflow is settling in, and it involves far more distractions than you thought. There’s the obvious temptations of the internet and TV, plus ready access to snacks and maybe even a quick outdoor walk. And that’s if you’re lucky enough to be living alone. Those of us with families might be dealing with everything from your partner’s occasional background noise to stir-crazy children climbing up the walls (and occasionally your leg).  No matter what your productivity struggles, we could all better avoid burnout and better learn to focus. It’s a good time to try it out for yourself: ZDNet readers can get a two-year subscription to FitMind for $200. The core of the app is a 30-day program that you can tailor to your needs. As you complete your practices, you can give simple feedback that allows FitMind to track your progress. Daily challenges are built into the schedule, encouraging you to make your meditations a habit instead of a chore. Along the way, you’ll find that the feedback is hardly one-way. You can ask questions about your technique and get tips from expert practitioners. Want to dive deeper into the benefits of meditation? The app doubles as a research library, giving you access to scientific papers, relevant books, and even info about mindfulness retreats.