Starting with “Git Training: Step-by-Step Guide to Git Version Control” can save you some frustration down the line because you’ll never have to deal with lost files or changes again. If you have a basic knowledge of software development, “DevOps with AWS CodePipeline, Jenkins, & AWS CodeDeploy” will teach you all of the most in-demand skills. You’ll pick up new skills as you develop a real application during “Angular & NgRx: Building Real Project From Scratch”. Students have really enjoyed this course, rating it 4.7 out of 5 stars. Instructor Oleksandr Kocherhin is a full-stack developer with several years of experience as a teacher a decade as a programmer. IT pros still in entry-level positions can kick it up a notch with “YAML Fundamentals for DevOps, Cloud & IaC Engineers”. Or you can take a whole series of Docker classes, starting with “Docker Fundamentals for Beginners with Online Lab Access”. Though basic Linux knowledge isn’t required before taking “Docker & Docker Compose: Project Deployment From Scratch” afterwards, it could be helpful. However, you do need it, plus basic knowledge of app development, to finish up with “Introduction to Docker & the DCA Certification”. As long as you have computer science fundamentals like knowing what executable units are, you can jump into “Kubernetes on the Cloud & The CNCF CKA Certification”. However, you might find it easier if you also have a basic understanding of cloud computing and containers. But this is a comprehensive guide to some of today’s hottest tech for the cloud. IT professionals who are a bit further along and interested in working on one of the biggest cloud platforms should take “AWS: Monitoring & DevOps with CloudWatch”. React skills are also very marketable, so if you already have some basic knowledge of it, along with HTML, JavaScript, and CSS fundamentals, “React Practice Course: Build React App from Scratch” will bring you along. Make 2022 the year you send your career soaring. You’ll be searching for drone bargains before you know it. Don’t miss this chance to turbocharge your IT career; grab The 2022 DevOps Cloud Engineering Prep Bundle now while it’s just $39.99.