During the I/O 2015 keynote on Thursday, ’s developer product group head Titus announced that the company’s behind-the-scenes cloud messaging technology—which apps can already use to push notifications to users’ Android devices Chrome browsers—now supports iOS devices as well. In other words, an app’s notification can reach you across all your devices using the single, central cloud messaging system—assuming you’re using the major platforms, at least. But more interestingly than that, cloud messaging has also been updated to allow developers to set up specific topics to receive (or not receive) notifications about. For example, when you subscribe to notifications from a news app, you can choose to be informed when there’s a hot new science or technology story, but skip acerbic political drama. bsites are getting in on the notification love, too. Chrome recently rolled out the ability for websites to push system notifications to logged-in users, now, that’s going one step further. Chrome mobile’s being updated to allow websites that you frequently visit to prompt you to save the app to your home screen, so your favorite browser-based updates are always only a click away.