It’s been more than a month since Twitter launched its “While You Were Away” feature for iOS, and now it’s finally available for Android users. “While You Were Away” does essentially what the name suggests, and populates the main Home timeline with tweets that a user might have missed throughout the day. This batch of tweets is comprised of the “best tweets” based on their engagement, which is placed right at the top of the timeline as they open the app. While it’s an obvious departure from the real-time focus of Twitter as a whole, the feature could be good for heavy users that enjoy seeing the most popular tweets. There’s no way to turn the feature off, for what it’s worth, but Twitter does point out that heavy users will not see the “While You Were Away” feature nearly as often as Twitter users that don’t open the app all that frequently. Essentially, Twitter doesn’t want you to shut off that app of yours. What do you think of the new feature?