To say I’m a Twitter addict (@WhatTheBit) would be a bit of an understatement. Whenever I have a few seconds to kill, I scroll through my timeline. I imagine that if I was alive during the turn of the 20th century, I’d spend all day sitting in a chair next to a ticker tape machine. Anyway, today I went to Twitter’s website on my desktop and saw that I’ve been invited to “Join the Twitter Experiment Program” for Android. Huzzah!

For those who don’t remember, when Google held I/O earlier this year, they announced a new Google Services API that allowed application developers to issue beta versions of their applications to users who joined a Google group. Well, that’s exactly what I’ve done, and I’m sad to report that as of right now there isn’t some secret beta version of Twitter floating around. Will that change next week? Probably. That’s how often Twitter says they’re going to update the app. Whenever I hear something new, I’ll let you know.