To make it easier to find new accounts and people to follow, Twitter is today reintroducing the Connect tab in its apps. This is not the first time that Twitter is adding a Connect tab to the microblogging service though.

Twitter had first introduced the Connect tab in 2013, which essentially acted as a notification hub. The move never made sense, and so after quite a bit of criticism, the company renamed the Connect tab to ‘Notifications’ in early 2014.

A couple of years later, Twitter is once again reintroducing the Connect tab in its mobile apps but this time the tab does what its name actually suggests: it helps you connect with more people on Twitter. The new Connect tab provides you with a list of all the accounts and people you should follow. The company will make these suggestions based on the people you already follow, the tweets you like, popular accounts in your area, and more. Twitter also promises to refine the suggestions over time. Additionally, you can use the Connect tab to automatically sync your address book with the microblogging service. This will make it easier for you to connect to your friends and family on Twitter. This will also give Twitter access to your whole address book which some people might not be comfortable with, so proceed with caution. The new Connect tab is rolling out to the Twitter for Android app from today.