High-quality images, along with 4K and even 5.4K video takes up a crazy amount of space, and if you don’t plan for it right at the start, you’ll quickly get swamped by it. I’ve been a pro-am photographer for years and know just how quickly gigabytes can fill up, but even that didn’t prepare me for getting into drone photography and videography. There are two aspects to handling the photos and video once they have been captured onto high-quality microSD cards (I only use SanDisk Pro or Extreme Pro cards from reputable suppliers – cheap cards can’t handle the data speeds needed for 4K and 5.4K, and fake cards are hugely unreliable). The first is ingesting the data off the cards, and the second is storage. Also: What do all those microSD and SD card numbers and letters mean? For a while, I messed about using a cheap SD card reader with a converter, then I switched to a dedicated microSD card reader, but that wasn’t enough. See, I don’t like to keep too much data on a single card, so I end up with a number of microSD cards and ingesting the data off them one by one is tedious. It even comes with an adhesive magnetic plate that you can attach to your notebook’s lid to stick the card reader to when in use. Great bit of kit. Using this combination, I’ve been able to process huge volumes of data from shoots in less time than ever. And I don’t just have one of these. I have several.