Those with the D6603 D6653 variants can grab the Android N Developer eview install it on their phones get the forthcoming over-the-air updates until finishes off the software. These are the first mainstream phones to join the program, as the only other non-Nexus device is the General Mobile 4G, a low-end Android One phone. The Android N build supports all the new features, such as split-screen mode, bundled notifications, direct-reply notifications. y this matters: This makes us wonder if we’ll see Android N previews branch out to other non-Nexus phones. It could be part of ’s strategy to get Android N on as much hardware as possible as part of a plan to finally beat back the ecosystem’s rampant fragmentation. has always shied away from actually forcing more restrictive update policies, so it appears the plan to push out Android N faster is to make the process as trouble-free for hset makers.