Free April Fools Day Prank Software!! – RJL’s April Fools day Prank software is perfect for the most mischievous pranks and computer gags. This software is great for playing jokes on those unsuspecting users. April Fool’s day software for Mac – This is similar to RJL’s Fools day prank software but for Mac users. Top PC Pranks for April Fool’s Day – Way back in 2001, PC World had collected Top PC Pranks for April 1, which still looks cool to wreak some havoc on a friend or a co-worker! Funniest PC Pranks you can play on your friends – Trust me, these are some really simple yet cool and geeky pranks to try out on your friends this Wednesday (April 1). PC Pranks and Terrible Tricks – this article was written almost 6 years back and some of them may look lame, but for non-geeks and non-techies, these are still funny and effective April Fool day pranks! Top 10 April Fools’ work pranks – Don’t let go an opportunity to play a prank on your boss or a colleague. Check out this list compiled by CNN and give them a shot! 5 Perfect Office Pranks – More office pranks, more fun. Awesome article which you can read on for inspiration or for a good laugh. Top 10 Harmless Geek Pranks – Gina Tripani shares her Top 10 harmless geeky pranks for April Fools day 2009. These are something which you can test on your BOSS without worrying about the consequences! Top ten April Fool’s pranks – Gizmowatch had compiled a list of april fool pranks a couple of years back. Watch out for Naked woman prank which I love! Top 10 Best Computer Pranks for April Fool’s Day – Super cool and super geeky resource of April Fool pranks. Ultimate Virus Prank Software – Steve from MyTechQuest shares a software which acts like a deadly virus infecting and causing huge damages to your friends computers. System Shutdown prank – Some time back I had shared a simple but effective prank which deals with automatic system shutdown. Try this if you are short of time! Top 100 April Fools Pranks and Gadgets< – A cool list of 100+ gadgets and tools specially for geeks. You might not get hold of these gadgets on time for April 1st, but still a fun read.

Over to You!

Now, go ahead and execute one of these ideas. Do share your experiences or some more exciting resources if you have any. Image Credits: mrdonn