So, what exactly is unliMINTed?

Here’s where things get awesome. When you sign up for your first Mint plan, we’re gonna be sending you monthly updates showing you exactly how much data you’re using. You can also check your data usage in the app. Then, when it’s time to renew your plan, we’ll recommend the perfect plan for you so you can save as much money as possible. And if that means you should downgrade into something that isn’t unlimited, then we’re gonna suggest you do so. The goal here is to save you as much money as possible on wireless. That’s unliMINTed.

The average person uses about 6GB per month.

What kind of data fox you are? Click here to find out. Unfortunately, big wireless companies keep that on the DL and try to upsell you into higher data plans…even if you don’t need it. Well, that’s a hard no for us. Because if you’re only using 5, 6 or even 9 GBs a month, you shouldn’t be paying more for an unlimited plan you don’t need. And that’s where unliMINTed comes in. So, go ahead and give our unlimited plan a try if you feel like you need it. If you end up using that much data, cool. But if not…well then, we’ll be saving you money you didn’t even know you could save. Welcome to unliMINTed,