Samsung has pledged to include FM radio support in its future smartphones, but this year’s early flagship models didn’t boast the feature out of the gate. Specifically, the unlocked Galaxy S9 and Galaxy S9+ didn’t arrive with FM radio support out of the gate. For fans of the devices, though, Samsung did promise that it would be adding the feature at some point in the future. Now, thanks to a user over on Reddit, it looks like the handsets are finally adding the feature. The unlocked Galaxy S9 and Galaxy S9+ now offer FM radio support, but if you want to listen to it you will need to plug in some wired headphones. You will also need to make sure you are running the latest software version for each handset. Subsequent posts from other Reddit users have also confirmed the feature is running on their handsets, too, including unlocked models running on Verizon’s network. FM radio support is an oft-requested feature, and it’s good that Samsung is adding it to its flagship models. It may have taken a few months, but it’s better late than never.