Google introduced a handy ‘Until next alarm’ option in Android with Lollipop and re-introduced it again with Android 6.0.1. However, many Marshmallow and Lollipop running Android device owners are reporting that this feature has mysteriously disappeared for them over the holidays. The issue is not limited to any one particular device, with Nexus 5X, Nexus 6P, Nexus 6 and Nexus 5 owners all reporting the same issue. The issue is being reported on Reddit and other Android forums by many Android users.

Keep in mind that the ‘Until next alarm’ feature only shows up when you have an alarm set on your Android device. Otherwise, the option does not show up anyways. As reported by many, a workaround to this problem is to change the date of your Android device to January 1st or a date before December 25th. Doing this will bring back the ‘Until next alarm’ feature back, at least temporarily. Many people also speculate that the issue will crop up at the end of every month and that this is definitely an error from Google’s side.