Google has given Quick Settings a major revamp with Android 5.0 Lollipop and filled it with useful toggles that people actually use in day-to-day life. One neat little feature that the company has added in Lollipop for Quick Settings is that unused items will automatically disappear after a certain time.  For example, if you don’t use W-Fi hotspot quick tile in Lollipop for a certain amount of time, it will automatically disappear. Similarly, if you frequently use an option from the Settings menu, it will automagically appear as a tile in Quick Settings. However, Google does not provide a way to bring back a toggle that is removed, or remove one that comes up automatically. As pointed out on Reddit by user eak125 though, you can fast forward, or go back a month or two in time to remove any unwanted toggles. To remove an unused toggle, simply head over to Settings -> Date & Time and change the date to a month from now. The unused quick tile will then automatically disappear. Do note though that the default toggles in Lollipop will always be present no matter what. There is also another way to reset the Quick Settings tile using ADB, but the process is more cumbersome than the one pointed out by eak125.  Considering how limited quick settings was in KitKat, it is nice to see that Google has added such thoughtful new features to it in Lollipop to enhance its usability.