Buying a brand new gadget can be exciting, but early adopters are often testing pilots for the rest of us. If a newly released phone, laptop or operating system comes out and it’s full of bugs, early adopters are the first to deal with the consequences. A great example of early user remorse comes from the Samsung Galaxy Fold. The first units available for testing were riddled with problems and broke under stress. Tap or click here to see what happened to the Galaxy Fold.  Even iPhones can suffer from early production issues. While the latest iPhone 12 and 12 Pro models have gotten solid reviews from critics, users report an unusual glitch where some phones aren’t receiving text messages. The iPhone 12 mini, on the other hand, has a much worse issue. We’ll show you what you can do to work around these problems for now.

The case of the vanishing texts

Some iPhone 12 users experience a bug that causes messages sent via text or iMessage to disappear. This includes “green-bubbled” SMS messages between iPhones and Androids as well as group texts. Some claim never to receive a notification indicating that a text has been received, while others don’t get messages altogether. A few report only experiencing the issue with one or two contacts with the phone working correctly for everyone else. Very odd. If you have an iPhone 12 or 12 Pro, you can test out your messages by texting someone you’re close to and having them confirm they received the message. Afterward, have them send you a text and confirm with them that you got it.

A big problem for the iPhone 12 mini

The iPhone 12 and 12 Pro aren’t the only Apple phones having trouble. The iPhone 12 mini, released Nov. 13, has touchscreen sensitivity issues on some early models. Users with the bug are unable to unlock or open their phones like normal after swiping up. Others say they can’t access the flashlight or camera. Other fingers seem to work fine, but using the phone one-handed appears to cause the most problems. Plugging the phone into a charger appears to resolve the issue, and users who don’t have a case on their phone are reporting less trouble than those who do. Some users speculate this may be a conductivity or grounding issue similar to what we saw with Antennagate on the iPhone 4. Tap or click here to find the 2020 iPhone that fits your taste and budget

How to fix these annoying iPhone glitches for good

If you’ve been experiencing any of these issues with your device, good news. Apple is rolling out an operating system update to address the glitches we’ve covered in this article. Look for iOS 14.2.1 to make it to your device soon if it’s not already there. According to Apple, the update addresses the following issues:

Some MMS messages may not be receivedMade for iPhone hearing devices could have sound quality issues when listening to audio from iPhoneLock Screen could become unresponsive on iPhone 12 mini

Here’s how to download and install the update once it’s available:

Open Settings on your deviceScroll down and tap GeneralTap Software UpdateIf iOS 14.2.1 is available, tap Download and Install

That’s it, now your iPhone is updated and those annoying glitches should be gone. If we here at hear of any more problems with the new iPhones, we’ll let you know about them and any workarounds until Apple releases an official fix.