Last month, the OnePlus team was finally able to eliminate all touchscreen issues on the One with a new touch panel firmware from Synaptics. However, the company’s success was short lived as the firmware led to a terrible battery drain with double tap to wake enabled, which ultimately forced it to pull back the firmware. A couple of weeks later, the battery drain bug seems to have been identified and fixed, and an updated touch panel firmware is now once again being merged to the latest CyanogenMod 12 and 12.1 nightlies for the OnePlus One. The previous touch panel firmware fixed all the multi-touch and other touchscreen issues on the One, and the new firmware should be as good as it, if not better in this regard. If you are running CM12 or CM12.1 nightlies on your One, make sure to grab the latest nightly build with touchscreen fixes. Users running Cyanogen OS 12 on their device will have to wait until the firmware has gone further testing and Cyanogen rolls out an OTA update containing the fix. Thanks @kalpik!