It’s hard to believe waited this long to build hs-free support for its newest messaging apps, but lo messages never actually appeared on the main Android Auto screen. Now lo users who use Android Auto in their cars will be able to hear respond to lo messages just as if they were coming in from Hangouts or Android Messages. en a new message arrives, you’ll be able to see the sender on the screen, play it, or select a prewritten response to send. The update is rolling out to phones, but if you aren’t seeing it you can side-load the -signed A from AMirror. w impact: has a lot of things to fix in lo, Android Auto support wasn’t one of them. Sure, regular lo users will appreciate the hs-free support, but it’s certainly not going to drive any more users to the app. However, at least it shows that is still working on lo. Now if only it would just add proper SMS support.