This week, ay Games llet both received Material Design makeovers, while Docs, Sheets, Slides got cleaned up, Camera received a minor little tweak.

ay Games goes all Material Design

ay Games received its big Material Design makeover. It’s sporting darker greens than before, new Game ofile levels titles that more prominently show off your skills. You can also check out what your friends have been up to by just tapping their faces, more easily check out saved games.

llet is all Material Design, too

th llipop’s imminent release on the horizon, it’s natural that would start pushing through major design updates for its core apps—llet, included. llet features similar bold color profiles to its other sibling apps. There’s a new feature, too: the option to lock or cancel your physical llet card.

Docs just looks better

ile it doesn’t appear to be a full Material Design makeover, Docs, Sheets, Slides each got their own update with bolder colors, an easier-to-use hamburger menu, a more consistent look across the board. stly, Camera received an incredibly minor update, including a newly tweaked icon better animations.