Phone calls are often the last thing smartphone owners use their favorite wireless headphones for. Unfortunately, they usually come from spam callers. While it’s true that smartphones typically have a feature to deal with unwanted calls, their methods can be limited or ungainly. Robocall can not only handle spam calls efficiently and effectively but can also amuse you at the same time. RoboKiller has a predictive algorithm that takes under 0.01 seconds to intercept 99% of the spam calls you get, so your phone will rarely even ring unless a call is from a caller you want to hear from. You’ll also be protected automatically from over 500 million phone scammers already on the company’s blacklist. You’ll also get many advanced customizable features that aren’t found elsewhere, such as pause call blocking, lists of blocked and allowed numbers, a personalized AI call screener and much more. You can adjust your call blocking levels to ensure the only calls you’re getting are the ones you want. RoboKiller will even protect your phone number from targeted neighbor spoofing spam calls, and the service also eliminates about 95% of spam texts. But one of RoboKiller’s best features is its entertainment value. It offers hundreds of Answer Bots to choose from that will start wasting the scammer’s time in hilarious ways as soon as their calls get intercepted. Featured on Wired, Ars Technica, Engadget, News Tonight, NBC and more, RoboKiller is a big favorite of users. It’s rated 4.5 out of 5 stars on Apple’s App Store and 4 out of 5 stars on Google Play. While a two-year subscription to RoboKiller is usually $79, you can get it now for only $39.99. Or, if you prefer, a one-year subscription is $19.99 and a three-year subscription is $59.99.