In a report originally published by The Information, and surfaced again through The Verge, Verizon Wireless may be planning to launch their own app store. Or, more specifically, “Verizon’s challenge to Google’s App Store.” In the report, it is believed that Verizon is looking to launch an app store that is not necessarily just tied down to the wireless carrier in the United States, but rather with a major focus on global availability. The goal, apparently (and oddly), is to let the application developers that want to make use of the new app store to take advantage of wireless network features. Moreover, Verizon will reportedly try to not only partner up with other carriers around the world, but also with specific device manufacturers in this effort. The store itself would not only offer apps, but also put a big focus on discoverability of new applications for users. That would be handled through social recommendations, of course, but also through curated localization data. And, as you’ve probably guessed, this new app store will be available at some point in the future on Google’s mobile operating system, Android. Big Red’s decision to make their own app store a reality is apparently due to Google’s decision to cut back on Google Play Store app revenue that it has shared with carriers and manufacturers. Essentially, it looks like Verizon is missing that money, and wants to figure out a way to get it back (and probably make more). Of course, carriers have had their own stores before, including Verizon, so it will be interesting to see how this plays out. Do you think a Verizon app store, even with a global reach, can make an impact? Update: Well, that was fast. Re/code has confirmed through Verizon that the wireless carrier is, in fact, not looking to open up their own global app store. Or any app store, for that matter. You can read up all about it through the updated source link below.