Verizon Galaxy S3 owners, here is some news to brighten up your day. The big red carrier will soon start pushing a major update for your handset that will enable multi-window mode, and bring some other new software goodies as well. The software update, however, does not bring a bump in the Android version, which remains intact at Android 4.1.2.

T-Mobile and Sprint recently rolled out similar update for their variants of the Galaxy S3. With Verizon’s roll out of the update imminent, only AT&T’s variant of the Galaxy S3 is left without the multi-window feature in the U.S. The OTA update weighs in at a hefty 129MB, and also includes Paper Artist app, an enhanced Camera and Gallery app, and some bug-fixes among other things. The official change-log for the update from Verizon support page is as follows -: The update is not yet live, but Verizon should start the roll-out before the weekend begins. Via – Android Police