Anonymous sources supplied Droidfe with several snapshots of a Nexus 7 package with the “Verizon 4G E Certified” tag right on the box. At this writing, the Nexus 7 was not yet available from Verizon, but the device is reportedly in stores could be on sale as early as Thursday, February 13. If the images are legit, it means the end of a long wait for prospective Nexus 7 users hoping to use a 4G version of the tablet on Verizon. en introduced the second generation Nexus 7 in ly, the E version was expected to work on AT&T, T-Mobile, Verizon. But when the E model went on sale in September, Verizon refused to activate any Nexus 7 devices bought through ay. At the time Verizon said it couldn’t because the device hadn’t been “certified” to work on the company’s network. The ordeal dragged on through November, when Verizon put the certification process on hold until the Nexus 7 received the Android 4.4, KitKat update. Three months an Android 4.4 rollout later Verizon still hasn’t seen fit to sell the -Asus built pocket tablet. But that may soon come to an end if Droid fe’s sources are correct. ‘ll be keeping our ear to the ground for an announcement in the coming weeks. The E Nexus 7 sells for $349 with 32GB of storage on ay.