A couple of days ago, the Verizon’s Galaxy S3 started receiving its Android 4.3 Jelly Bean update. Joining it today is its bigger brother, the Galaxy Note 2. The Sprint and T-Mobile variant of the Note 2 have already received their fair share of Jelly Bean love, with the Verizon variant joining them today.  The update brings quite a few goodies including Samsung KNOX support for better security, Galaxy Gear compatibility, enhanced S-Voice, music player, camera app and more. All the pre-installed bloatware from Samsung has been updated as well. You can find the full change-log of the update over at Verizon’s support page. The 700MB+ OTA update includes other enhancements and should be available for your Note 2 before the year ends, making for a nice holiday gift from Verizon. It should be noted that this is the first update that bumps the Android version on the Verizon’s Galaxy Note 2, more than a year since the device was launched initially.