Verizon today announced that it has started taking pre-orders for Samsung’s latest flagship handset — the Galaxy S5. The big red is the last major carrier in the United States to start taking pre-orders for the handset. Sprint, T-Mobile and AT&T started taking pre-orders for the handset since last week. Like all other carriers though, Verizon will be shipping the pre-ordered S5 units on or after April 11th. Verizon is offering the handset at the same price as other carriers — $199 on a two-year contract or for $25.55 via Verizon Edge. In fact, the carrier will also be offering the handset under its BOGO (By One Get One) deal, where buyers can get a second Galaxy S5 for free, provided they sign up for another two-year contract. If you don’t want the Galaxy S5, you can opt for the HTC One (M8) or the Samsung ATIV SE as your secondary handset as well. Verizon will also start offering the handset in-stores from April 11th.