Late last month or earlier this month, I can’t remember, HTC pushed out Android 4.2.2 to owners of the One located in Taiwan, Singapore, and I believe Hong Kong. Over the weekend, it appears that European HTC One owners have also recieved the update, at least according to Android Central. Their One got the updated, and they produced a brief video to run through all the features. Spoiler: It’s the same stuff you’ve already heard about.

The option key is gone, you can view your battery percentage in the status bar, the status bar is transparent, you can now add Instagram to Blinkfeed, and it’s more stable too. I’m thrilled that HTC has pushed this out so quickly, though I still can’t forgive them for shipping the One with that dreadful option key of doom bug. Now the real question is when will American One owners get this? Over in the U.S., the operators have to approve each and every software update. Sometimes you’ll see a gulf of several months between an international device and an operator device getting the same update. We’ll have to wait and see, but I wouldn’t be surprised.