The Google Pixel 3 XL is starting to get even more attention from the rumor mill, which certainly makes sense as we march ever closer to its expected launch date later this year. Just recently we saw a series of images of the upcoming device, an alleged production unit of the upcoming and oft-leaked smartphone. Now, that same blogger has published a brand new video showcasing the device’s ever edge, confirming plenty of hardware elements we’ve been hearing about for weeks now. But the video also aims to nail down some unknown elements of the picture, too. That includes just how big the screen on the Pixel 3 XL will be. We already know that the handset will boast a pretty deep notch, so there’s that. But, thanks to the video and the AnTuTu app, we can see that the software confirms that the Pixel 3 XL will have a 6.7-inch display. That would be even bigger than the 6.4-inch display in the new Samsung Galaxy Note 9, for those keeping track. The app also confirms that the Pixel 3 XL will have a single 12.2-megapixel camera on the back, which lines up with the majority of earlier rumors. The handset is also apparently equipped with three front-facing cameras, all of which are 8.1 megapixels. There is no confirmation, of course, what Google plans on doing with three front-facing cameras, but the expectation is that at least two of them will be utilized for a facial recognition feature. The app also confirms that this device in the video, allegedly that production unit of the Pixel 3 XL, will have a smaller battery than what was in the Pixel 2 XL: 3430mAh for the new smartphone, compared to the 3520mAh offering in last year’s flagship. You can check out the video below.

Do these latest details pique your interest with the Pixel 3 XL?