It’s Saturday, so I shouldn’t be in front of a computer, but after watching Samsung’s new 90 second commercial for the Galaxy S4, I felt compelled to share it with you guys. The ad takes place at a young man’s graduation party. It starts out pretty boring, just a guy taking a photo of his father grilling some meat, but then all of a sudden the pace picks up and most, if not all, of the GS4’s new features get demoed.

In the span of a minute and a half you see Drama Shot being used to take a photo of a guy jumping into a pool. You see Air Gestures being used to answer an incoming phone call. You see the good old classic S-Beam being used to transfer a photo. You see Air Hover being used to read a text message. And finally, WatchOn is used to turn on a television in the living room. I can’t remember where I heard this, but someone on the internet one said that the GS4 “gives good demo”. It’s a phrase that’s now stuck in the back of my mind. It means that while most people will probably never use more than one or two features of the GS4, when they go to the store to buy a new phone, the salesman will have a barrage of things to show them to help seal the deal. What do you think, is the ad good?