It has been just over a year since Motorola’s Advanced Technology and Projects Group first showcased what they thought would be a great new way to unlock your phone: a digital tattoo. Since then, ATAP has moved over to Google from Motorola, but work apparently never slowed down. The Digital Tattoo is real, what was once just a pipe dream on that D11 stage just over a year ago. The new design, which shares plenty of similarities to that initial effort, features a water-proof “digital tattoo” that you can put on your arm, to make it easy to unlock your device. No more need for passwords or anything like that. It’s produced by VivaLnk, which is a tech company based out of Silicon Valley, and they worked together with Google’s ATAP to bring the project to life. More than that, though, to bring it to consumers.

And that’s exactly what they’ve done, as the Digital Tattoo is available right now for those who want to jump on board. You can head through the VivaLnk source link below to buy a pack of 10 Digital Tattoos; each of which will last you five days. The tattoos are water proof as well. As it stands right now, the Digital Tattoos only offer support for Motorola’s Moto X (you’re shocked, right?). However, the company does have a link on their site that will let you tell them which device you’re using as your daily driver, and if they see enough desire from a certain device, they say they’ll work on support for other handsets. With a pack lasting about 50 days, is this something worth trying once, or could you see yourself using something like this for a long time?