That’s exactly what ’s attempting with the launch of its new line of MODE watchbs for Android ar. These bs are not only fashionable, but they feature a clasping mechanism that makes it easy to quickly swap out watchbs as often as you change your clothes. There are 16 different leather silicone styles to choose from in a variety of sizes, all of which are compatible with the latest Android ar models. The design of the MODE mechanism is free for other high-end manufacturers to use, so that they can be inspired to get on board. And as an added bonus, each watchb comes equipped with its own pins miniature removal tool. Afterwards, I swapped out the leather b for a sportier Silicone Active watch b, which costs $50. I did not enjoy it paired with the silver watch chassis. Regardless, swapping bs took me mere seconds, I can see why is marketing this kind of snap-on, snap-off usage model. It makes it so that you can carry around the bs you like change into them as you would a shirt, a pair of earrings, or even your lipstick. ’s likely hoping that the infinite customization options will lure in more converts to the Android ar way of life. However, I’d like to see the company teach the unconverted through marketing about how helpful the platform can be in their daily lives, the same way that Apple markets the Apple tch. For now, it’s good to see attempt to pinpoint itself as a stylish wearable platform, but whether that means better sales numbers is another thing entirely. I’m also bummed to see that the company behind the bs is churning these out overseas. could’ve offered a real edge over Apple by making its bs domestically, especially since the latest fad in fashion is to conscientiously pay a little more for shoes clothing manufactured in America.