Ernesto Galiotto lived through about the worst nightmare scenario that you could imagine. He accidentally dropped his device and felt a heart-wrenching realization that it is probably shattered. But not only did Galiotto drop his iPhone 6s, it completely flew out the window of the small airplane he was traveling in. Fortunately for us, it was all caught on video.

Filming for a ceremony

The filmmaker and a pilot were flying over the Praia do Peró beach in Brazil to capture the reinstating of the beach’s International Blue Flag Seal. After taking some photos with a DSLR camera, Galiotto took out his iPhone to capture some video footage. RELATED: Change this hidden setting before you lose everything on your iPhone After pressing the record button near the open passenger window, Galiotto’s one-handed grip on the device failed. In a split second, the gadget was swept away by the airstream and surely lost forever. The plane was at a low altitude of 984 feet, but such a drop for any mobile device (even a Nokia 3310) is sure to be devastating. Throughout the ordeal, the iPhone’s video camera kept on recording. In the dizzying footage captured by the phone, it isn’t easy to make out anything from the spinning motion. At the end of the 15-second fall, the phone came to rest in short grass on a sandy beach.

Nobody would believe me

“It is something that, if you tell someone, the person does not believe you. It was a miracle! At the time I even said a bad word, but then I thought ‘I’m going to recover this cell phone’,” Galiotto told a Brazilian newspaper. And that is exactly what he did. With the pilot’s help and Apple’s Find My iPhone functionality, Galiotto managed to track down the exact place where the device came to rest. Much to his disbelief, it was not only still working, but virtually scratch-free. RELATED: How to use Find My iPhone “It was about 200 meters from the water, and a few meters away there was a couple on the beach. The phone fell at 11:10 am on Friday. It fell with the screen down and was filming for an hour and a half. I think the sun recharged it, because when we arrived to recover it, it still had a 16% charge on Saturday,” Galiotto gleefully explained. This is not the first time that an iPhone has gone flying on its own. In 2011 a skydiver dropped his device from 13,500 feet, and that one managed to survive. While it is unclear what sort of protective case Galiotto was using, we know the skydiver had a Griffin case. The skydiving incident prompted some scientists to calculate a burning question: what is the terminal velocity of an iPhone? The answer, it turns out, is about 60 miles per hour. If you want to see the crazy video, click here.