Even better, you can become an active member of the community, sharing tips to help others get more from their Android software devices. You can start right now via our Submit a Tip form. This is a site for Android enthusiasts, but you won’t have to be a power user to enjoy the content we have planned. The unifying principle is a passion for all things Android, that’s a quality that can be shared by newbies and hardcore users alike. In addition to covering all Android system versions, we’ll be focusing on the interface customizations skins of device manufacturers; third-party apps; core mobile services like Gmail, Maps Now; the full breadth of Android hardware, from phones, tablets, to wearables, and beyond. Have we left anything out? You can also use the editors @greenbot.com address for suggestions on what we cover. We would like to close by introducing the key members of our. The Executive editor has 15 years experience covering consumer technology, including stints on other sites, as well as Extreme Tech, a site legendary for its technical depth. writer (@OhThatFlo) also worked on , before that served as the Reviews editor at Ars Technica, where she focused primarily on Android. As for myself (@SF), I’ve launched and run the editorial operations for a number of enthusiast focused tech media outlets, including Maximum , Mac|fe the now defunct Mobile. I then spent a year running red’s Big Gadget channel before becoming the editor in chief of Greenbot. Interested in joining our team? We have another writer position to fill, as well as a need for talented, Android obsessed freelance writers. You know the drill. Just drop us a line at @greenbot.com.