Individuals and businesses alike face cybersecurity threats. In addition, businesses need protection from unauthorized data access — both from inside and outside the organization. Strong cybersecurity reduces the chances that a cyberattack will affect business operations. Cybersecurity also has political implications. The US Department of Homeland Security designated election infrastructure as “critical” in 2017. This infrastructure includes voter registration databases and the digital technologies used to count, display, and confirm voting results — some of America’s most sensitive data.  And cybersecurity can also affect public safety and health. In one case, hackers attempted to poison the municipal water supplies of cities in Florida and California. The hackers gained access to the technology platforms controlling the water systems. Luckily, officials caught the hacks before anyone got sick.  Individuals can take simple steps to maintain their cybersecurity, like using a password manager app. But businesses typically require more sophisticated, proactive cybersecurity strategies.  As a result, the number of people responsible for handling a company’s cybersecurity depends on an organization’s resources and operational needs. A company might have a large cybersecurity team or just one person with multiple digital duties.

Is cybersecurity considered an IT job?

People who work in cybersecurity often work closely with other IT professionals, like network administrators or in various roles. For this reason, experts and those within the industry often group cybersecurity jobs within the broader sector of IT.  Despite the need to work together with other technology professionals, cybersecurity employees tend to focus on different issues than IT workers. These issues include preventing and analyzing data security incidents and developing and enforcing security standards to protect digital information. In most cases, cybersecurity is considered an IT job. However, cybersecurity jobs usually focus on protecting digital information. 

More on the next big challenges in tech security

These are the biggest cybersecurity threats. Make sure you aren’t ignoring themRansomware: Why it’s still a big threat, and where the gangs are going nextThese are the cybersecurity threats of tomorrow that you should be thinking about todayThe 7 best cybersecurity certifications: Become a security expertBest cybersecurity schools and programs

Some organizations may title these individuals “cybersecurity specialist” or “cybersecurity manager.” Related cybersecurity job titles include cybersecurity engineer or cybersecurity administrator. 

5 reasons why cybersecurity is important

Millions of Americans share personal information on the internet every day – whether while working remotely, making online purchases, or completing financial transactions. That makes cybersecurity more important than ever. 

1. Cybercrimes are rising

In an increasingly digitized and connected world, cybercrime can cause major disruptions. As more workplaces moved to remote work in 2020, the number of cyberattacks skyrocketed. One study found a 400% increase in cybercrime in 2019-2020.  In addition to a growing number of cybercrimes, the types of attacks have grown. Malware, phishing, and DDoS attacks can take down major corporations and risk the private data of millions of people. 

2. Your data is valuable

Cyberattacks target both individuals and systems. These cybercriminals seek out private data, including financial information. That data is valuable. Stealing someone’s Social Security number, for example, makes it easy to take out credit cards in their name and run up debt. So does targeting dates of birth, credit card information, and addresses.

3. Cybercrimes result in economic costs

The economic cost of cybercrimes is staggering. According to one estimate, cyberattacks cost the global economy $1 trillion every year.  Ransomware attacks can bankrupt companies, disrupt financial markets, and tank people’s personal finances. The cost of cybercrimes makes it even more important to implement security systems and increase internet safety.

4. Your devices could be exploited

Every day, hackers come up with new ways to break into systems and exploit devices. Take cryptojacking, for example. Hackers use a target’s devices to mine cryptocurrency for the hacker. Add that to a long list of cybercrimes like proxy phishing, password attacks, and malware.

5. Cyberattacks pose real-life threats

Cybercrime might seem like a distant problem that only affects a small number of people. But cyberattacks don’t only target information security. They can also compromise infrastructure, which threatens health and safety.  In late 2020, for example, ransomware attacks targeted U.S. hospitals. These attacks tried to steal data to force hospitals to pay a ransom. And hospitals aren’t the only target. Schools, law enforcement agencies, and governments have all been the victims of cyberattacks.

How to protect yourself against hackers and cyberattacks

You can take several simple steps right now to protect your data from hackers and prevent cyberattacks. Here are the best ways to make your data safer. 

Follow password best practices

A strong password keeps hackers from breaching your accounts. Instead of reusing the same password on multiple platforms, create unique, complex passwords, particularly for sites that store private data or credit card information.  Worried about keeping all those passwords straight? Consider getting a password manager so you’ll never forget your password again.

Change your password after a breach

Take a look at current events and there’s a good chance you’ll hear about a data breach.  After a breach, you should change your password — but recent research shows that few people actually update their passwords. That leaves your data vulnerable to a cyberattack. The site Have I Been Pwned lets users check whether their accounts may have been compromised.

Learn to spot phishing attempts

Every email inbox receives spam emails. Most of us know not to open emails from Nigerian princes. But every day, people click on phishing emails claiming to offer prizes or asking customers to “verify” details. These phishing attempts trick people into giving up their own personal info.  Make sure you understand common phishing red flags to dodge cyberattacks. 

Install antivirus software

Installing antivirus software on your devices — including cell phones — helps protect your data against malware, viruses, and other cyberattacks. These software programs secure your passwords, block malware, and protect financial data during online transactions.  Major providers include Norton Antivirus, McAfee Total Protection, and Kaspersky Total Security.  Before installing or downloading antivirus software, consider your needs and find the right provider to protect your internet safety. 

In conclusion

Cybersecurity matters for everyone, even people who don’t think they use technology directly. Nearly every aspect of modern life involves sharing digital information.  That’s why, no matter the industry, cybersecurity is essential. Cybersecurity professionals work to keep personal and business information safe from current — and future — threats.

Be careful where you click. Links and downloads can be dangerous. Don’t blindly trust pop-ups or external sources. Lastly, learn about common types of malware.  For more detailed information, here are some helpful tips and definitions from Google. Stay away from fraudulent sites, suspicious downloads, and junk emails. Perpetrators use tactics including spamming false alarms with harmful solutions (eg., “Your computer has a virus; download this to fix it!”) and baiting the user with appealing ads leading to malicious sites. Always check your sources and avoid downloading suspicious files, particularly .exes. Lastly, customizing your spam filter is a great way of stopping dangerous emails from ever reaching your inbox.  Less-common but still dangerous attacks include: If you have an unexplained surge of traffic on a rarely-visited page, there’s a good chance that it is abnormal traffic.  For more detailed information, check out our extensive guide on DDoS attacks This threat involves an attacker sneaking into your server and gleaning information over time. The longer they go undetected, the more destructive they can be  If you’re unsure if a program is trustworthy, you can create a sandbox environment to run it risk-free.  We also suggest using resources such as email protection, VPNs, or intrusion prevention systems. Authorization to use sensitive data and important company systems gives employees a lot of responsibility.  An insider threat has the potential to cause significant damages, because many cybersecurity practices focus only on external threats. Lastly, closely monitor employees who plan to leave the company. Research suggests that these employees are 60% of insider threats.