Distributions with different package managers.Distributions with different desktop environments.Distributions with different initialization systems (think systemd and SysVInit).Distributions that are specific to desktop usage. Distributions that are specific to server usage.Distributions that are specific for development.Distributions that are specific to multi-media creation.Very lightweight distributions.Completely open-source distributions.Rolling release distributions.

You get the idea.  Also: These two Linux desktops are the simplest picks for new users But if you ask any given knowledgeable Linux user which distribution you should try, the list tends to focus on a very small selection that includes Ubuntu, Linux Mint, ZorinOS, elementaryOS, and Fedora. That’s a great list (one I cannot argue with), but it is a bit limited in options.  Another distribution you might consider is openSUSE.  With YaST, you can do things like: Wait. What? There are two different versions of openSUSE:

Leap is the long-term support version of openSUSE.Tumbleweed is the rolling release version of openSUSE.

The difference is simple. With openSUSE Tumbleweed, there aren’t major releases, so you don’t have openSUSE Tumbleweed 12, 13, 14, etc. Instead, you just have openSUSE Tumbleweed which receives continuous updates to keep the distribution fresh and upgraded. This means you could install openSUSE Tumbleweed on your desktop and never have to bother installing a new version (as everything will be continually upgraded). On the contrary, openSUSE Leap is a traditional release, where you do have version numbers and older releases are eventually no longer supported. What this equates to (in real terms) is that Tumbleweed enjoys newer software more regularly (because it receives updates as soon as developers make them available). But what really makes YaST special is the vast amount of things you can configure with the tool. And YaST is totally separate from the standard desktop configuration tool (such as those found in GNOME and KDE). YaST is as complete a configuration application as you’ll find on any desktop computer operating system. It’s massive, it’s all-inclusive, and it’s powerful. YaST (Figure 1) is also one of the reasons why few ever suggest openSUSE as a distribution for new users, as there’s so much that can go wrong if someone who doesn’t know what their doing opens the tool and starts randomly clicking buttons. 

Install add-ons.Manage filesystem snapshotsConfigure AppArmorManage the bootloaderConfigure the time and dateConfigure your firewallSet/change hostnameInstall virtual machinesConfigure your keyboard and languageRun a media checkConfigure your networkManage updatesManage disk partitionsConfigure and manage printersSet up a ProxySetup Samba sharesManage overall securityConfigure and control soundManage repositories

So, yeah, YaST is powerful. 

Installed applications

The default desktop environment for openSUSE is KDE (Figure 2), which means you’ll enjoy the standard KDE lineup of tools (such as KMail, Kontact, and KORganizer). You’ll also find apps like LibreOffice, Okular, Firefox, VLC media player, and plenty of other software. If you don’t find the software you need, you can always fire up Discover (the KDE app store) and install it from thousands of applications (Figure 3).

If you do decide you’d like to try openSUSE, I would highly recommend starting with Leap, as it’s going to be considerably more stable than the rolling release Tumbleweed. If you’re a developer or you want a Linux distribution with the latest, greatest software, then Tumbleweed will suit you well. I’ve deployed openSUSE for several use cases and every time I have found it to be exceptionally dependable. So, if you’re not afraid of having a lot of power at your fingertips, openSUSE might be a great operating system for you.