Industry professionals test and upgrade software and computer systems. Software developers code new programs, too. They may also monitor systems and solve end-user problems.

What is software engineering?

Software engineering involves developing, deploying, testing, and maintaining software. Each program must match the client’s accessibility and technical requirements. Software engineering involves the principles, tools, and techniques used to develop professional software. Applications go through a development and evolution process guided by software engineers.  Software development stages include, among others, concept creation, implementation, and deployment. Evolution includes updating and maintaining software.

What do software engineers do?

Software engineers may perform the following tasks and responsibilities.

Writing codeDesigning programsMaintaining software systemsSupervising computer programmersEvaluating and testing software programsIncreasing the speed and scalability of softwareConsulting with clients about project design or developmentCollaborating with coworkers

Industry experts are skilled in programming and coding, design and architecture, and information analysis.  Engineers apply analytical thinking and problem-solving to develop applications and software.  Software engineers may seek employment in many sectors: Automotive manufacturing, aeronautics, healthcare, nonprofit, government, and more. They collaborate with data scientists, data scientists, managers, and other software team professionals. 

Software engineer skills

Software engineers need rock-solid skills in programming languages, architectures, and platforms.  For job success, workers need advanced knowledge of database management system software, object-oriented development software, and web platform development software. They should also understand database user interface, query, and development environment software.  Industry professionals should be trained in developing, testing, and maintaining software. In this role, software engineers must apply their background in computer science and information analysis.

Hard skills

Operating systemsSoftware developmentData structure and algorithmsSoftware testing and debuggingComputer programming and coding

People skills

TeamworkMultitaskingAttention to detailProblem-solving skillsEffective communication

Types of software engineers

The two main subtypes of software engineers are systems software and application software developers.  Both developers apply their knowledge of theories and programming to develop software and manage network control systems.

Systems software developer

Systems software developers’ understanding of operating systems-level software, network distribution software, and compilers helps them develop solutions for business enterprises.  Developers are skilled in programming, coding, and data structures and algorithms. In this role, developers update existing software, enhance interfaces, and increase performance.  Field experts build software systems, use math models, and apply scientific analysis to assess design outcomes. 

Application software developer

Application software developers build computer and mobile applications by evaluating user needs, creating software solutions, and checking performance.  Developers perform routine updates and modify programs for consumers. Industry professionals are skilled in coding languages, source control, and data structures and algorithms.  In this role, application software developers also debug code, deploy source code for new applications, and evaluate applications.

How do I become a software engineer?

There are several pathways to becoming a software engineer. As a first step, you may want to enroll in a certificate program or coding bootcamp to acquire programming and technical skills.  Students may pursue a four-year software engineering degree — a prerequisite for many entry- and mid-level roles.  Professionals may want to earn a software engineering master’s degree for career advancement. With an advanced degree, working professionals may seek administrative and executive positions. Explore your options by following the links above.